Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Plans

My 35th birthday is looming near... 

I had a little bit of a meltdown when I was 29 and 30 was looking at me as July approached.  I remember thinking that I hadn't done anything with my life.  That I was a divorced woman with a 4 year old who was going nowhere in life.  I felt like I should have owned a home and been established.

Looking back, I am still at the job I had then, but I have gotten raises and made friends out of coworkers.  My existence now includes being a twice divorced woman with an almost 9 year old.  I still feel like I should have done more in life.  I should have finished school and gotten a few degrees and settled down doing something that challenges me daily. 

There are perks to the way life is right now though.  My son is safe and loved.  The company I work for let's me be there for him any time I need to be.  I have a steady paycheck that is all mine to pay bills for myself.  Sure, I'm living back at home, but that's what my son needs for now. 

I am planning to actually do things this summer.  Go places, see things, do something.  I have gotten the immediate family passes to the water park so that anytime the feeling strikes my son can talk someone into taking him to the water.  I am going to take the family to the beach when we can get the time figured out on a weekend.  It will be good to go out and do things and not be the person I've been over the past five years. 

So here is to 35 being the age where I put myself back together and rediscover who I am!

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